
  • Bureau of Pensions Advocates

    If you choose to review or appeal a disability benefits decision made by Veterans Affairs Canada, the Bureau of Pensions Advocates (BPA)–a nation-wide organization of lawyers within Veterans Affairs Canada–can provide you with free legal advice and representation.

  • Michel Drapeau Law Office

    Michel Drapeau Law Office provides legal advice focused on federal law with emphasis on Military Law (including grievances, as well as trials and appeals under the Code of Service Discipline), Veterans Law, Freedom of Information (access) Law and Privacy Law, Human Rights Law (including complaints of harassment and discrimination),Employment Law in the public sector, Estates Law (including Wills and appointments as Power of Attorney). Typical clientele is drawn principally from the Canadian military across Canada (Regular and Reserves including RMC cadets), veterans, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and federal public servants.

  • Military Grievances External Review Committee

    The Military Grievances External Review Committee is an independent administrative tribunal. The Committee reviews military grievances and provides findings and recommendations to the Chief of the Defence Staff and the Canadian Armed Forces member who submitted the grievance.

  • Valour Law

    Valour Law aims to make legal issues simple and straightforward by helping you get things less complicated so you can move on with your new life. Main areas of practice include: Family Law, Deployment and Estate Needs for Military Personnel, VAC Disability Claims, and Real Estate.

The directory is made available by the Post-Traumatic Growth Association as a public service only